How to Stay Up-To-Date on the Latest Games News
An increasing number of video games are released each year. Human beings cannot possibly play them all; therefore gaming news and review sites serve as guides that help players discover hidden gems among the many disappointing releases.
IGN is one of the biggest and best-known video game news sites. Their offerings range from gameplay videos to news reports on all major gaming platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC gaming; additionally they cover business of video game development along with events in the gaming industry.
Staying current with gaming news can be achieved in several ways, one being following video game studios and publishers on Twitter. Doing this allows you to gain updates as they come out, while also engaging directly with these studios/publishers which can be lots of fun!
If you want an easier way to stay up-to-date with gaming news, consider signing up for Google Alerts. Simply type the names of games that interest you and select “alert me when new results are available” so that any developments with them can easily be seen wherever you may be.
Kotaku offers gamers who want to discover new video games or learn more about gaming an excellent resource, providing articles that cover various gaming-related topics and covering upcoming titles with news-style articles that often go beyond straight reporting of event updates and include creative pieces with in-depth analysis and opinion pieces that go beyond traditional news reports.
Gaming news can also be found from smaller, lesser-known news websites that focus on specific platforms or genres – for instance, you might find tabletop gaming news at TableTopGaming or RPGGeek, for example. These more niche news sources provide more personalized insight and may help you better comprehend the intricacies of your favorite game.
If you are an author interested in writing about video games, there are a few publications that offer payment for doing it. Sites such as GamesRadar+ offer writers a small monthly budget which they can use towards paying for their writing projects. GamesRadar+ seeks thoughtful features which explore how gaming interacts with social justice issues, ethics and culture as well as pieces which spark reader discussion; interview-driven pieces with strong writing, analysis and research are prioritized on GamesRadar+.